Wondering how your Representative voted in the race between Republicans Dustin Burrows (Lubbock) and David Cook (Mansfield)?  Without comment, see the Roll Call List below.
The 2025 Texas Legislative Session began Tuesday (14th).  Monument Protection Bills have been filed in the Texas Senate and House of Representatives.  More information will be forthcoming.
Gentlemen, it is critically important that each of you and the voters in your Camps know what Senate and House District they live in, who their Senators and Representatives are, how they vote, and how to contact them.  All of this information is available on-line (Texas State Senate and Texas House of Representatives). Your support and action will be called for in short order.

There are 88 Republicans and 62 Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives for the 2025 Session.  76 votes were required to win the Speaker position.

Mr. Burrows won the Speakership 88 to 55 including 36 Republicans and 49 Democrats.

Mr. Cook received the votes of 52 Republicans and 3 Democrats.

9 other Democrats were Present but did not vote.

1 Democrat was Absent

Dist. Party Representative    Vote
 1       R          Gary Van Deaver    Burrows
2    R      Brent Money       Cook
3    R      Cecil Bell Jr.       Burrows
4    R      Keith Bell         Burrows
5    R      Cole Hefner       Burrows
6    R      Daniel Alders      Cook
7    R      Jay Dean          Burrows
8    R      Cody Harris      Burrows
9    R      Trent Ashby      Cook
10   R      Brian Harrison    Cook
11    R     Joanne Shofner   Cook
12    R     Trey Wharton     Cook
13    R     Angelia Orr       Burrows
14    R     Paul Dyson        Cook
15    R     Steve Toth        Cook
16    R     Will Metcalf      Burrows
17    R     Stan Gerdes      Burrows
18    R     Janis Holt        Cook
19    R     Ellen Troxclair    Cook
20    R     Terry M. Wilson  Burrows
21    R     Dade Phelan      Burrows
22          Christian Manuel  Burrows
23    R     Terri Leo Wilson  Cook
24    R     Greg Bonnen      Burrows
25    R     Cody Thane Vasut Cook
26    R     Matt Morgan      Cook
27          Ron Reynolds      Burrows
28    R     Gary Gates        Burrows
29    R    Jeffrey Barry     Burrows
30    R    A.J. Louderback   Cook
31    R     Ryan Guillen       Cook
32    R     Todd Hunter      Burrows
33    R     Katrina Pierson    Cook
34    R     Denise Villalobos  Burrows
35          Oscar Longoria    Burrows
36          Sergio Muñoz Jr.  Cook*
37    R     Janie Lopez       Burrows
38          Erin Elizabeth Gámez Burrows
39          Armando “Mando” Martinez  Burrows
40          Terry Canales     Burrows
41          Bobby Guerra      Burrows
42          Richard Peña Raymond Cook*
43    R     J.M. Lozano         Cook
44    R     Alan Schoolcraft     Cook
45          Erin Zwiener        Burrows
46          Sheryl Cole             Burrows
47          Vikki Goodwin     Present not voting
48          Donna Howard     Burrows
49          Gina Hinojosa     Present not voting
50          James Talarico     Burrows
51          Maria Luisa Flores  Burrows
52    R     Caroline Harris Davila  Cook
53    R     Wes Virdell        Cook
54    R     Brad Buckley      Burrows
55    R     Hillary Hickland    Cook
56    R     Pat Curry         Cook
57    R     Richard Hayes    Cook
58    R     Helen Kerwin      Cook
59    R     Shelby Slawson    Cook
60    R     Mike Olcott       Cook
61    R     Keresa Richardson Cook
62    R     Shelley Luther    Cook
63    R     Ben Bumgarner    Cook
64    R     Andy Hopper      Cook
65    R     Mitch Little       Cook
66    R     Matt Shaheen     Cook
67    R     Jeff Leach          Burrows
68    R     David Spiller     Cook
69    R     James Frank        Cook
70          Mihaela Plesa     Burrows
71    R     Stan Lambert     Burrows
72    R     Drew Darby        Burrows
73    R     Carrie Isaac      Cook
74          Eddie Morales Jr. Burrows
75          Mary E. González  Burrows
76          Suleman Lalani    Burrows
77          Vince Perez          Burrows
78          Joe Moody         Burrows
79          Claudia Ordaz    Burrows
80    R     Don McLaughlin Jr.  Cook
81    R     Brooks Landgraf    Burrows
82    R     Tom Craddick      Burrows
83    R     Dustin Burrows     Burrows
84    R     Carl Tepper            Burrows
85    R     Stan Kitzman      Burrows
86    R     John Smithee     Cook
87    R     Caroline Fairly      Burrows
88    R     Ken King              Burrows
89    R     Candy Noble         Cook
90          Ramon Romero Jr. Burrows
91    R     David Lowe           Cook
92          Salman Bhojani   Burrows
93    R     Nate Schatzline  Cook
94    R     Tony Tinderholt  Cook
95          Nicole Collier     Present not voting
96    R     David Cook         Cook
97    R     John McQueeney  Burrows
98    R     Giovanni Capriglione Burrows
99    R     Charlie Geren      Burrows
100         Venton Jones      Burrows
101         Chris Turner       Burrows
102         Ana-María Rodríguez Ramos  Cook*
103         Rafael Anchía     Burrows
104         Jessica González  Burrows
105         Terry Meza  Present not voting
106    R    Jared Patterson   Burrows
107         Linda Garcia       Burrows
108    R    Morgan Meyer     Burrows
109         Aicha Davis Present not voting
110         Toni Rose            Burrows
111         Yvonne Davis      Absent
112    R   Angie Chen Button  Burrows
113         Rhetta Andrews Bowers  Burrows
114         John Bryant Present not voting
115         Cassandra Hernandez  Burrows
116         Trey Martinez Fischer Burrows
117         Philip Cortez          Burrows
118    R    John Lujan              Cook
119         Elizabeth “Liz” Campos  Burrows
120         Barbara Gervin-Hawkins  Burrows
121    R    Marc LaHood          Cook
122    R    Mark Dorazio      Cook
123         Diego Bernal       Burrows
124         Josey Garcia      Burrows
125         Ray Lopez             Burrows
126    R    E. Sam Harless    Burrows
127    R    Charles Cunningham  Cook
128    R    Briscoe Cain          Cook
129    R    Dennis Paul              Cook
130    R    Tom Oliverson      Cook
131         Alma A. Allen     Present not voting
132    R    Mike Schofield     Cook
133    R    Mano DeAyala      Cook
134         Ann Johnson          Burrows
135         Jon E. Rosenthal   Burrows
136         John H. Bucy III  Burrows
137         Gene Wu            Burrows
138    R    Lacey Hull            Burrows
139         Charlene Ward Johnson   Present not voting
140         Armando Lucio Walle  Burrows
141         Senfronia Thompson   Burrows
142         Harold V. Dutton Jr.  Burrows
143         Ana Hernandez      Burrows
144         Mary Ann Perez     Burrows
145         Christina Morales Present not voting
146         Lauren Ashley Simmons  Burrows
147         Jolanda Jones     Burrows
148         Penny Morales Shaw  Burrows
149         Hubert Vo             Burrows
150     R   Valoree Swanson   Cook

Source: House roll call
Credit: Carla Astudillo