Make a Donation


As the Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), we stand as guardians of our rich heritage, preserving the legacy of those who came before us. Our mission is unwavering: to honor the valor, sacrifice, and indomitable spirit of our ancestors who fought for their beliefs and principles.

Why Donate?

  • Preserving History: Every dollar you contribute helps safeguard our historical artifacts, documents, and monuments. These tangible links to the past are irreplaceable, and your generosity ensures they remain accessible to future generations.
  • Educating the Next Generation: Our educational programs reach schools, colleges, and communities across Texas. By supporting us, you empower young minds with accurate historical knowledge, fostering critical thinking and empathy.
  • Maintaining Memorials: Our battlefields, statues, and markers serve as living memorials. They tell stories of courage, resilience, and sacrifice. Your donation directly contributes to their upkeep, ensuring they stand tall against the winds of time.
  • Advocacy and Legal Battles: We fight to protect our heritage from misguided attempts at erasure. Your financial support enables us to engage in legal battles, advocate for historical accuracy, and defend our rights.

How Can You Help?

  • One-Time Donation: Every dollar counts! Whether it’s the price of a cup of coffee or a hearty meal, your contribution fuels our mission.
  • Spread the Word: Share our cause with friends, family, and fellow history enthusiasts. Encourage them to join our ranks and contribute.

Together, We Can Preserve Our Heritage!

Your generosity echoes through time, ensuring that the sacrifices of our forebears remain etched in the annals of history.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. With your help, we’ll continue to honor the past, inspire the present, and shape the future.

As the Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), we stand as guardians of our rich heritage, preserving the legacy of those who came before us. Our mission is unwavering: to honor the valor, sacrifice, and indomitable spirit of our ancestors who fought for their beliefs and principles.

Why Donate?

  • Preserving History: Every dollar you contribute helps safeguard our historical artifacts, documents, and monuments. These tangible links to the past are irreplaceable, and your generosity ensures they remain accessible to future generations.
  • Educating the Next Generation: Our educational programs reach schools, colleges, and communities across Texas. By supporting us, you empower young minds with accurate historical knowledge, fostering critical thinking and empathy.
  • Maintaining Memorials: Our battlefields, statues, and markers serve as living memorials. They tell stories of courage, resilience, and sacrifice. Your donation directly contributes to their upkeep, ensuring they stand tall against the winds of time.
  • Advocacy and Legal Battles: We fight to protect our heritage from misguided attempts at erasure. Your financial support enables us to engage in legal battles, advocate for historical accuracy, and defend our rights.

How Can You Help?

  • One-Time Donation: Every dollar counts! Whether it’s the price of a cup of coffee or a hearty meal, your contribution fuels our mission.
  • Spread the Word: Share our cause with friends, family, and fellow history enthusiasts. Encourage them to join our ranks and contribute.

Together, We Can Preserve Our Heritage!

Your generosity echoes through time, ensuring that the sacrifices of our forebears remain etched in the annals of history.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. With your help, we’ll continue to honor the past, inspire the present, and shape the future.

Got Questions?

Got questions about the Sons of Confederate Veterans? We can answer any question you could possibly have.