Welcome to the Colonel Gustav Hoffmann Camp 1838
We are an historical, patriotic, and non-political organization with membership open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate States’ armed forces. We assist members and the general public in genealogical research of their ancestors, preservation work such as the raising of funds for repair on statues and other monuments, mark graves, encourage living history presentations and battle re-enactments and meet monthly to discuss military, societal, and cultural topics germane to the period encompassing the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865. We are international and organized into divisions, brigades and camps.
Col. Gustav Hoffmann Camp #1838 is named in honor of Confederate Colonel Gustav Hoffmann who was also the first Mayor of New Braunfels, and a founding member of the First Protestant Church here. Our meetings are open to everyone who has a sincere interest in the South’s heritage, history, culture and people.
Current Officers & Contact Information
Acting Commander: David Smith
Adjutant: J.R. E
Camp 1838 Meeting Information
The Camp meets on the last Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. *
Solms School at Heritage Village
1370 Church Hill Drive
New Braunfels, Texas
September – we participate in Comal County Fair Parade
November and December: To Be Announced
Colonel Gustav Hoffman
Confederate Patriot and Soldier
In the tumultuous times of the mid-1800s, one of the men from Comal County who stood out, for his dedication to his community, bravery, and ability was Gustav V. Hoffmann. He was born on November 10, 1817, in Hohm, bei Marien Werder, in the area of Stuhm , Prussia. He served in the Prussian Cavalry as an officer and later graduated from Koenigsberg University.
In 1844, he immigrated to Texas as one of the first settlers in New Braunfels, Republic of Texas. He was a farmer and he was active in his church, the Reverend Ervendberg’s German Protestant Church as member # 166. His home was on the corner of Mill and Academy Streets. In 1847 he was elected the first Mayor of New Braunfels.
As the war broke out, Hoffmann organized the first company of soldiers from this area, and trained them on the banks of the San Marcos River. His military training and bearing were much needed at that time and after an inspection by Confederate Brig. General Earl Van Dorn and interim Texas Governor Edward Clark, Hoffmann’s company was commended for “their excellent discipline” as noted in the Zeitung on July 12, 1861. He later became Colonel of the 7th Texas Cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Brigade in Green’s Division. He and his men fought bravely at the battles of Valverde and Glorieta Pass during Sibley’s disastrous 1862 New Mexico campaign. They later fought at Galveston and Louisiana during the Federals’ attempt to capture Shreveport.
After the war, Hoffmann returned to New Braunfels and in 1872, he was elected a Representative to the thirteenth state legislature. He later moved to San Antonio and died on March 10, 1889, and he is buried at the Comal Cemetery in New Braunfels, near where the SCV Camp that honors his name, meets today. Two of his collateral descendants have been members of this camp, William Hoffmann and Mike Henning, who passed away in 2010.