Welcome to the Brigadier General John Creed Moore
Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 578
We are an historical, patriotic, and non-political organization with membership open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate States’ armed forces. We assist members and the general public in genealogical research of their ancestors, preservation work such as the raising of funds for repair on statues and other monuments, mark graves, encourage living history presentations and battle re-enactments and meet monthly to discuss military, societal, and cultural topics germane to the period encompassing the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865. We are international and organized into divisions, brigades and camps.
Current Officers & Contact Information
Commander: Jimmy Dossey
Adjutant: Michael Broussard
Camp E-Mail
Camp 578 Meeting Information
The Camp meets on the Third Tuesday of each month
5:00 p.m. Meet & Greet
6:00 p.m. Main Meeting
Contact SCVCamp578@gmail.com for location in Gatesville, Texas.
Brigadier General John Creed Moore
Confederate Patriot and Soldier
John Creed Moore, Confederate general, the son of Cleon and Margaret (Creed) Moore, was born on February 28, 1824, at Red Bridge, Hawkins County, Tennessee. He attended Emory and Henry College in Virginia for four years and graduated on July 1, 1849, from the United States Military Academy at West Point, ranking seventeenth in a class of forty-three. He was brevetted second lieutenant in the Fourth Artillery for service in the Seminole War (1849–50). He was stationed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, from 1852 to 1853, and at Fort Union, Nebraska, from 1853 to 1854. He resigned his United States Army commission in 1855. In 1856 he was employed as a civil engineer in Tennessee and in 1861 as a professor at Shelby College in Kentucky.
While stationed at Fort Jackson as a captain in the Louisiana State Militia, Moore was commissioned a captain in the Confederate States Army in April 1861. He was sent to Texas to construct defensive fortifications for Galveston. He raised and trained the Second Texas Infantry there and was promoted to the rank of colonel in September 1861. After citation for gallantry in leading his regiment at Shiloh, Moore was promoted to brigadier general on May 26, 1862. At Corinth, Mississippi, on October 4, 1862, he led the left wing of his brigade over federal entrenchments into the center of the city in hand-to-hand combat. He commanded a brigade at Vicksburg and was captured on July 4, 1863. After an exchange of prisoners, Moore served as a brigade commander in the division of Gen. William Hardee during the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge (November 24–25, 1863).
A dispute between Moore and Hardee that originated at the battle of Shiloh prompted Moore to seek a transfer from Hardee’s division. President Jefferson Davis denied the transfer, and Moore resigned his command in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States on February 3, 1864. He retained the rank of lieutenant colonel in the regular service and was reassigned as director of the Savannah arsenal in Savannah, Georgia. In September 1864 he was reassigned as director of the Selma arsenal in Selma, Alabama, where he served until the end of the war.
After the war Moore returned to Texas and taught mathematics at Coronal Institute in 1869–70. He was afterward superintendent of schools at Mexia and at East Dallas, and he taught school at Galveston, Kerrville, Osage, and Coryell City. He married Augusta E. Clark of Orange County, New York, and they had four children. He was an Episcopalian. He died on December 31, 1910, and is buried at Osage, Coryell County.