Quarterly Brigade Report

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This Quarterly Report is for:

Number of Members:

Number of Members Transferred:

Death of Any Member:

Camp Activities: (Since last quarterly report)

Name of Presenter
Decription of Program:
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Please tell us about each parade:


Please tell us about each of your events:
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Heritage Defense Report

Opening Paragraph
Introduction to Report
Heritage Defense Items:
Since last Quarterly Report, broken down by date - be as detailed as necessary regarding times, places, names, etc. regarding the event or occurrence to include end result, action taken or anticipated, etc.
Summary or Concluding Paragraph:
This paragraph will focus on the Commander’s Analysis of the Heritage Defense situation within his Area of Responsibility and his view of the impact/actions he contemplates in the short-term future and what, if anything, the Camp / Commander needs from Higher HQ to assist the Camp in meeting current or future challenges.
Clear Signature
Additional Notes or Comments: